To prepare for an organic audit, one usually has to prepare three lists. The stock of organic beans at the beginning and end of the period, the purchases and sales of organic beans during the period, and the list of roasts of organic beans.

Organic Certified Beans

A first step is to mark organic beans with their corresponding certificate. For each organic bean you select the corresponding certificates in Beans.

Organic certification

Beans with organic certificates are tagged by a small green leaf. Blends and roasts of organic beans are automatically tagged with a small green leaf as well.

Organic filter

The Beans, Blends and Roasts tabs feature a filter for organic items activated by the small green bean icon.

Stocks of Organic Beans

To list the stock amounts of organic beans at a certain point in time you generate a corresponding stock report using its organic filter by clicking the leaf icon.

Organic filter

The generated report can be exported as PDF, Excel table, or CSV data, as well as copied to your computers clipboard.

Purchases and Sales of Organic Beans

To generate a report of all your organic beans’ purchases and sales you generate a regular purchases/sales report by selecting the period and choosing a name. Additionally you tick the leaf icon until it turns green such that the list of beans selected for the report is restricted to only organically certified beans.

Organic purchase and sales report

The generated report can be exported as PDF, Excel table, or CSV data, as well as copied to your computers clipboard.

Roasts of Organic Beans

The list of roasts restricted to organic beans can be added as an open roast report by selecting and choosing a name. Additionally you tick the leaf icon until it turns green to restrict the list of roasts to organically certified beans.

Organic roasts report

