Here we provide various reports over the inventory. All reports can be exported in various formats (text copy to clipboard, CSV, Excel, PDF, XML) respecting your Data Export and Custom Reports Settings.
Sequential roast reports in tandem with customs reports allow to prepare tax reports (German: Steuermeldungen). Open roast reports in combination with purchase/sales, and stock reports support the preparation of audits on organic production.
Roast Reports
Roast reports can either be strictly sequential or open, allowing the periods covered by the reports to overlap.
Sequential Roast Reports
Sequential roast reports document roasts for tax purposes. Each report lists the roasts over the specified period. Gaps between reports are not allowed as full coverage is intended. All roasts in a period should at least indicate the beans roasted, the amount roasted and the yield.
Add a new report via the plus button and specify an interval since the last report (eg. one month) and a label. The roasts within the selected interval will automatically be added to a report draft. Roasts in the interval lacking important information like the roast yield are not added and listed separately.

Once your draft report is correct you can finalize it such that its important attributes (time/bean/amount/yield) cannot be changed anymore and roasts cannot be added or removed any longer. Those reconciled reports can submitted to the finance or custom administration as PDF, Excel, CSV or XML.
Watch out! Some attributes of roasts participating in a finalized report cannot be changed any longer not to invalidate the report.
Finalized reports are marked with a grey bar in front and reports that contain roasts with missing data are marked with a red bar.

A summary is shown on the top of each report. This gives you a overview on the total amounts roasted per bean and blend in the period covered. Summaries can be exported or copied to your clipboard.
Watch out! The yield of discarded roasts is not taken into account in the total yield of a report.
Open Roast Reports
Open roast reports can cover any period and those periods can overlap. The organic filter can be activated by clicking the leaf icon to create roast reports of only organic beans. Other roasts filters can be applied as well. Finally, roasts with empty weights can be either added or disallowed in which case those roast entries get marked in red to be corrected.
Open roast reports come with a summary on top and feature various export formats (PDF, CSV,..) for both, the report itself as well as its summary.

The list of open roast reports can be sorted by modification date, name, report date, or their type.

Purchases/Sales Reports
The Purchases/Sales reports list all transactions of the selected types (Purchase, Sale, Correction or Transfer) over the selected period. The selection can also be restricted to certified organic beans by clicking the leaf icon.
Add a new Purchase/Sale report via the plus button, specify an interval, the transaction types to be included and a label. The corresponding transactions within the selected interval will automatically be added to the new report.

Transactions can be edited or deleted directly from within a report in edit mode.
Purchase/Sales reports can be exported as PDF, Excel, and CSV formatted files. Additionally they can be copied as text-only to your clipboard (like with or CMD-C or CTRL-C).
Stocks Reports
Stocks reports list the beans inventory on the given date. You can include zero amounts, and list the entries grouped by beans or stores. The list of beans can be filtered to contain only certified organic or beans not certified organic by clicking the leaf icon. Finally, the list of beans can be filtered to contain only beans tagged hidden or visible by clicking the eye icon.

Stock reports are not persisted but can be exported as PDF, Excel, and CSV formatted files. Additionally they can be copied as text-only to your clipboard (like with or CMD-C or CTRL-C).
Customs Reports
Customs reports (German: Steuermeldungen) provide data in specific formats as required in some countries by customs to report business activities for tax purposes.

You can select one of the supported formats in your account settings under Custom Report Settings. For now only German templates are provided.
If you would like to have your data formatted in a specific way, please contact us at